
Balder the brave value
Balder the brave value

balder the brave value

He offers us only, “For Asgard– and freedom!” While it’s true that Stan is basically joking, he carries on with it for two pages while neglecting to actually script or provide real narration for the epic battle he seems somewhat embarrassed by. Stan and Jack are not on the same page with the direction Thor stories should take.

balder the brave value

All of this adds up to a market value for the 95¢ variant approximately 200% higher than the direct edition in Very Fine / Near Mint (9.0) condition, as of our 2022 CPV Price Guide Edition.Jack opens the story with Odin and Thor leading Asgardian soldiers aboard a giant sky ship into battle against the “demon men” of Jotunheim.Īnd Stan basically apologizes for that, assuring readers that Thor will soon be on Earth fighting a super-villain that’s no match for him and pining over Jane. That's because the destination market for 95¢ copies of Balder The Brave #4 was Canadian newsstands - hence the name Canadian Price Variant as a short-hand for 95¢ Price Variant. Among surviving newsstand copies of Balder The Brave #4, the market area that received the 95¢ cover price newsstand copies was a restricted area representing less than 10% the population of the total North American newsstand market. Only those newsstand copies of Balder The Brave #4 that were taken home and preserved by collectors would survive today in the highest grades. By contrast, newsstand copies were treated as reading material with no staff training to handle the books with any semblance of care, and they were then sold to the general public unsold copies were returned for credit and typically pulped/recycled forward. When their orders arrived, the comic shop staff handled the books with extreme care to preserve their condition, and then the comic book collectors who shopped there typically preserved their purchases in plastic bags with backing boards. The comic shop owners ordered direct edition copies of Balder The Brave #4 at a discount to cover price, but on a non-returnable basis (the graphical logo was to tell non-returnable copies apart from their returnable newsstand counterparts). As collectibles, direct edition copies are already at a disadvantage compared to newsstand copies in the highest grades, because direct editions were extraordinarily well preserved as the distinct type sold in specialty comic shops.

Balder the brave value